Wandom Wednesday: The BEST Korean Fried Chicken Recipe


Wednesday, 07 October 2015 00:00

Wandom Wednesday: The BEST Korean Fried Chicken Recipe

Musicians have a special relationship with food: we love to eat! And quite often, many musicians are also excellent cooks. In today's "Wandom Wednesday", I reveal my secret for the best Korean fried chicken recipe EVAH!

Maangchi.com is my favorite website for Korean recipes, and her fried chicken recipe is easy and incredibly delicious. "Maangchi", by the way, means "hammer" in Korean - I have no idea what hammers have to do with cooking, I'm sure there's a story about that somewhere...

Anywho, here's the recipe video from Maangchi - I hope you give this a try, and be sure to let me know how it turns out for you! I've made this several times, and it always comes out crunchy-sweet-spicy delicious! Just be careful not to burn the chicken in the oil...

Hugh Sungkorean, recipeComment