4Friday: Podcasts!


Podcasts have been around for over 10 years. There used to be a number of great classical music podcasts, but for some strange reason they all died out around 2011/2012. Now it seems like it might be ripe time for a revival/renaissance. 


First of all, what in the world is a "podcast"? Here's a short article that gives a super simple explanation.



Dacia Clay knows nothing - absolutely nothing - about classical music. Turns out, that's the perfect qualification needed to become the host of an absolutely delightful and deservedly popular podcast show, "Classical Classroom", where she invites prominent artists to teach her about all aspects of classical music. I especially enjoyed the episode about leitmotif in "Star Wars" scores by John Williams...just saying...


Australian pianist, blogger and piano teacher Tim Topham has a terrific podcast dedicated to helping piano teachers improve their craft and business. Video and audio-only versions are available. 


Film and media composer Colin Thomson hosts The Modern Musician Show dedicated to helping musicians better understand the business and marketing side of music to enable them to actually make a living with their art. Highly recommended.