Piano Tastings Episode 1

There's no better way to get to know the sound of a piano than to compare it to another side by side. That's exactly what we're trying to do with this new web series, "Piano Tastings".
Co-hosted by my good friend Rich Galassini from Cunningham Piano Company in Philadelphia, we're going to explore what makes pianos sound so beautiful, as well as what makes each one sound so unique. Think of it as a "wine tasting" for the ears. In this first episode, we take a look at two Boesendorfer 225 pianos (I absolutely love Boesendorfers!) - they're both the same model and brand, but the way they're prepared can make a big difference when you need a piano for a concert stage as opposed to a living room.
So which piano is which? Can you tell which piano has been prepared for the stage and which one for a living room? Let me know what you think in the comments below! And stay tuned for more episodes!