A Tale of Two Breakfasts
I thought it would be fun to do a comparison between hotel breakfast buffets in the USA and in Japan. During my Los Angeles layover, Yamaha put us up in the Crown Plaza LAX, a short shuttle ride away from the airport. (My apologies for the messed up start to the video - I keep forgetting to turn on the Boya lavalier lapel microphone battery whenever I’m using my “good camera” - my Canon M50 mirrorless DSLR.) Compared to my Holiday Inn stay where I experienced a One Minute Pancake Machine, the Crown Plaza breakfast was definitely a big step up.
Breakfast buffet at the Crown Plaza LAX
Along with the standard sausage, egg and bacon fare, it looked like they were trying to cater to Asian tastes by including steamed rice and rice congee options, as well as teriyaki chicken.
After our 12 hour flight to Narita Airport, we checked in at the Keikyu Ex Hotel in Shinagawa, about an hour train ride away from the airport. Our Yamaha liaison and guide, Kazu Hosoya, took us out for an incredible dinner at a traditional Japanese restaurant within walking distance of the hotel (you can read about it here.)
All things considered, it appears that the Crown Plaza LAX and the Keikyu EX Hotel are both comparable in quality, at least when it comes to the rooms themselves. But the breakfast buffet? Folks, feast your eyes on this:
Your meal comes with a gorgeous view of a duck pond and miniature waterfall! And then the FOOD…
If there is a comparable breakfast buffet in the USA, would someone please tell me where to find it? The ones I find in Japan (and Korea) simply blow me away with the incredible variety and flavors! So…I think it’s hardly a fair comparison!