I'm Baaaack


Yikes...it's been, what, 5 years since I last blogged? Oh the shame, the shame! Well, that\'s not entirely true - I've actually been blogging very heavily, just not on my own site!  I had a wee bit of a sidetrack these past 6 years, co-founding a company called AirTurn and living the life of a full-time entrepreneurial startup.

It's been an extraordinary couple of years, and now the winds have started to shift and I'm finding myself returning full-time to the world of music, fully refreshed and in love with playing again.  And, surprisingly, my fingers are in far better shape than I would've hoped! I guess 40 some-odd years will engrain something in a person more indelibly than one might think. 

But the entrepreneurial seed has been planted, and I'm thrilled to be working on my next project: my own online piano school at ArtistWorks! I've always been interested in finding ways to use cutting-edge technologies to teach, and this particular edge cuts the cat's whiskers sharper than she can say "meow"! I'll be posting an article comparing various ways to learn music online, and why ArtistWorks' unique Video Exchange System (tm) takes online music lessons to a whole new level. 

I've always enjoyed teaching, but I never had enough time to devote to my students. Now, with ArtistWorks, I'll be able to teach anytime and from anywhere! And these aren't just lessons from a library of videos - you'll be able to send me videos of your playing, and I'll respond with videos of my own to help you directly and personally. 

Oh, there's so many cool things coming with this school, I can't wait to spill the beans!  In the meantime, if I've piqued your interest, head on over to the Piano School page and sign up to be notified as soon as the school is open.

Ah, it feels nice to be blogging again!

Hugh Sungwebsite, publicityComment